What’s the Best Way to Treat Chronic Tenosynovitis?

Question by ShakeRattleRollNY: What’s the best way to treat chronic tenosynovitis?
I obtained this condition above my left ankle about a couple of years ago playing soccer. It really hasn’t gone away; when I poke at that area, it feels like a fresh painful bruise. I’m able to run and move around since the injury is above where my sneaker tops off.

I heard that acupuncture is helpful. Your suggestions are welcome.

Best answer:

Answer by Sue O
i feel your pain! i had this when i played soccer my first year in college. i was also at a military school, so the combat boots we wore only made it worse. my injury did go away completely, but only after i spent about three weeks on crutches, giving the tendon TOTAL REST. it’s possible that since your case doesn’t sound as severe that accupuncture may help, but i really haven’t heard anything about that. do you take anti-inflammatories for it too? possible that advil and rest might do the trick…

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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