What Is the Willard Drug Program?

Question by diamonds f: what is the willard drug program?
my baby father did 4yrs for assault, basically he got off 6month ago and he is on parole, he violated parole when undercovers had a warant for his appartment and he was arrested for ilegal substances, he got off on 1500$ bail but when he went to his parole program he got arrested and he has been at rikers for a month, what do u think he might get

Best answer:

Answer by Penguin_Bob
You should find your answer about the program at one of these sites …


As far as what sentence he might get, there is no way to tell in advance. It depends on how he comes across to the judge, what impression he can project when he gets to court, what his probation officer/counsellor says, how strongly the prosecutor pushes things, and what mood the judge is in. Sorry to be blunt, but as a regular drug user unable to control himself he is really a loser and no good to you or the baby. Either dump him outright or get a family lawyer who may be able to help you find some support or other assistance. You have to think of the child first, yourself second, and the loser a distant third. Good luck!

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Who Was Killed in America's Drug War Last Year? [FEATURE]

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(Our tally includes several cases where people collapsed and died during or immediately after being arrested; the drug link became apparent only weeks or months later when toxicology reports came back. We could have missed others.) …. Danielle Misha …
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Mike Jacobs (R-Atlanta) and Wendell Willard (R-Sandy Springs) among others. More than 50 of the … to a vote in 2013. Graham and Georgia Equality will press for an expansion of Medicaid that could help many of Georgia's low-income LGBT people dealing …
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For the love of property

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by Willard Roper/Tony James Features January 03, 2013SAVE THIS ARTICLE … For although there were pills, drugs and even a revolver in the house, Mrs Feltman had chosen a bizarre and novel way of ending it all: she had set herself on fire. The blaze …
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