Telogen Effluvium Treatment – Can Prescription Drugs Cause Women’s Hair loss.mp4


Telogen Effluvium Treatment – Can prescription drugs cause women’s hair loss.mp4 – Telogen Effluvium Treatment Some hair loss conditions go by the name “effluvium,” which means an outflow. Telogen eff…


La Familia Tackles Infant Drug Addiction

Filed under: prescription drug abuse treatment

The number of New Mexico babies being born addicted to opiate drugs taken by their mothers — usually heroin or prescription painkillers — has increased over the past decade and doesn't appear to have peaked, state and local health officials say. Data …


Prescription drug abuse a growing concern in Waseca County

Filed under: prescription drug abuse treatment

Area law enforcement officers say prescription drug abuse is part of a nationwide trend, one the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has classified as an epidemic. In 2005, prescription drugs were involved in 4.5 percent of drug arrests …


Your Health: Bone drugs may increase dental risks

Filed under: prescription drug abuse treatment

Byrne said the medical community is taking a new look at how best to prescribe bisphosphonates to treat or prevent bone density loss. Doctors used to prescribe the drugs to all postmenopausal women as soon as there was evidence of bone loss, and the …
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