PTSD and Substance Abuse: Part II Treatment Options


PTSD and Substance Abuse: Part II Treatment Options – Dr. Robyn Walser, of the National Center for PTSD at the Palo Alto VA Medical System examines the often dual diagnoses of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Substance Abuse in Veterans. Take an in-depth look at the importance of the therapeutic relationship with such veterans and the various treatment options. Series: Treating the Invisible Wounds of War: Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans, Families and Care Providers [Health and Medicine] [Professional Medical Education] [Show ID: 17611]


Rogelio Flores ends era in substance abuse treatment court

Filed under: drug abuse treatment options

The Substance Abuse Treatment Court is an arm of the Santa Barbara County Probation Department, and offers offenders with drug, alcohol and mental-health problems a choice to get clean in an 18-month program or go to jail. “Grow where you're planted.
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Study: Alcohol, drug abuse counselors don't always require total abstinence

Filed under: drug abuse treatment options

When asked about treating clients who abuse drugs, about half the counselors in the new study accepted moderate drug use as an intermediate goal and one-third as a final goal – this is about the same as it was in a similar survey 10 years ago …
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