Meet Johnny the Healer, Founder, Creator, and Director of the Holistic Sanctuary 323-606-9904


Meet Johnny The Healer, Founder, Creator, and Director of The Holistic Sanctuary 323-606-9904 – The founder and owner of ‘The Holistic Sanctuary’ Johnny himself had lived a life plagued with the disease of addiction. He lost his mother to a crack addiction in 1987, and then later his brother to a drug-related suicide in 2001 while under the care of a residential drug treatment center. He himself also struggled with drug addiction for 20 years. In an attempt to change his life-style and beat his addiction, Johnny tried over 15 conventional treatment programs over a span of 10 years. These included county founded rehabs, high end rehabs, in-custody rehabs, inpatient/outpatient programs; all of which were 12-step AA based ideologies. All of these attempts were deemed failures for Johnny and after 10 years of the revolving door between rehab and jail Johnny decided he’s had enough. After spending the better part of 10 years trying to figure out how to escape the grips of his addiction, Johnny began to notice that these treatments themselves were very toxic, and he began to understand why his brother hung himself at such a treatment center. He decided that it was time to take his health into his own hands and take a different approach at getting sober. He knew he must empower himself if he wanted to survive. His research began with the realization that it was no wonder that he could not stay sober using the outdated ‘Drug Treatment’ solutions he was put through over the years. The Outdated toxic regiment called ‘Drug Treatment’ in drug rehabs fail 95% of the time. Rehab


Viewpoints: Health Law's 'Implausible' Foundations; 4 Needed Health Reforms

Filed under: drug treatment programs in california

Though few patients realize it, many doctors receive thousands of dollars from pharmaceutical companies for each patient enrolled in an experimental drug trial. The medication might be the best thing for the patient's condition. … likely than other …
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Physicians of the Year: Best and Worst

Filed under: drug treatment programs in california

Four physicians sentenced to prison terms were ordered into a substance-abuse program. The 2 doctors currently facing charges each earned more than $ 1 million a year prescribing controlled substances on an assembly-line basis to all comers, prosecutors …
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'One Voice': Inland Agencies Join Forces to Fight HIV/AIDS

Filed under: drug treatment programs in california

She pushed education, prevention and greater access to treatment for all.” World AIDS Day … Partly related to the increase in drug addiction, HIV as a by-product of sharing dirty needles or engaging in risky sex is on the rise among today's veterans …
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