Is There an Addiction Treatment That Uses the Outdoors as a Form of Therapy?
Question by Tom T: Is there an addiction treatment that uses the outdoors as a form of therapy?
I am interested in experiential education, and I am currently finishing up my BA in Social Work here in Toronto and I was wondering if there was a model that uses the outdoors as a form of treatment for addicts, whether it’s for alcoholism or drug use. When I graduate I want to combine the outdoors with traditional practice. IE. canoe trips that focus on team building, practical skills, and allow time for reflection. Anyways, I want to do some research and write my final paper on this holistic approach, but I was wondering if anyone knew the name of a specific model that uses these kinds of methods. Thanks!
Best answer:
Answer by Kathleen
I am Native American, and there is programs, treatment, that uses the outdoors through out the summer. I don’t know when you are planning to do your treatment. If your native, and in Toronto, there is a place on Queen /street called Aboriginal Health, check it out. They are lyable to help answer some of questions and point in the right direction. good luck on your paper and research.
I am Native American and there is a treatment centre that does use the outdoors for treatment. In Toronto, there is a place called Aboriginal Health on Queen st. East. I don’t know if your native or not, but that would be a great place to check out for some information that you may need. Good luck.
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