Improving Diabetes Outcomes Through Patient Eucation

Improving Diabetes Outcomes Through Patient Eucation

Filed under: drug treatment centers in nc

With the prevalence of diagnosed and undiagnosed diabetes mellitus pegged at 8.3% in 2010 by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (Figure), and evidence suggesting that medical therapy is suboptimal in a majority of patients, efforts to …
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Training Helps N.C. Dispatchers Deal With Crisis Calls

Filed under: drug treatment centers in nc

The training for the 34 dispatchers wasn't just for handling soldiers' calls. The 911 operators have to know how to deal with people who are having a psychiatric crisis from depression, schizophrenia, bipolar illness or withdrawals from drugs or alcohol.


Something that every patient, and every doctor, deserves

Filed under: drug treatment centers in nc

Dr. Anthony Weinshilboum, the Mayo Clinic Dasburg professor in Cancer Genomics Research and director of Mayo's Pharmacogenmics Program within the Center for Individualized Medicine, has a daughter who's a pediatrician in North Carolina. She tells him …
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