How Can I Legally Commit My Fiance’ to Drug Rehab?

Question by : How can I legally commit my fiance’ to drug rehab?
I have been with my fiance’ for 7 years. Ever since his moms passing in 2009 he really fell. We had to relocate to FL and he got into the drug world. He get’s clean for awhile and then falls. How can I commit him into a rehab?

He was also in a very bad accident 1 year ago (HIS FAULT) and broke his back and leg. Then he got the very medication he was illegally taking prescribed to him. I can’t take it anymore, or watch him kill himself. I want the man I fell in love with back.

I am getting to old for this. I want him to go to rehab. Need help. How can I make him go?
My only fear about Baker or Marchman acting him is that I don’t want him to have a record because he doesn’t have one now. I don’t want to have him charger or go to jail. Could hurt future employment. Plus we are not married so I cannot do that I was told. But If I’m wrong that’s awesome.

Best answer:

Answer by Anonymouse
You can’t help anybody who doesn’t want to be helped.

Answer by Onlooker
You can’t. An addict’s girlfriend is his drug. Only when he’s ready to break up with that drug will he begin to think of rehab. Your best bet is to break up with him and tell him that when he’s ready to fully commit to sobriety by going to rehab, you’ll consider getting back with him. But, take care of yourself. It’s easy for the lover of an addict to get into drugs for all sorts of foolish reasons.

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