Four Inmates Escape From Philly Rehab Jail

Four inmates escape from Philly rehab jail

Filed under: drug treatment news 2010

The hall, on D Street near Luzerne, houses about 230 pre- and posttrial male drug offenders and offers an intensive treatment program intended to prevent relapse, Hawes said. Zayas, Collins and Gomez have lengthy criminal records, filled mostly with …
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Fallout from fungal meningitis mess: more drug shortages

Filed under: drug treatment news 2010

Together, the loss of the drugs may exacerbate ongoing shortages that have left hospitals scrambling since 2010 — or earlier. … The six drugs critical drugs affected by the Ameridose shut-down include sodium bicarbonate injections as well as …
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Nana, Chinese girl grows beard after life-saving drug treatment

Filed under: drug treatment news 2010

The Daily Mail reports Nana was diagnosed with aplastic anemia in 2010, leading to her hospitalization. After she underwent bone marrow transplant and drug therapy, her condition improved but a new and disconcerting physical transformation set in.