Cliffside Malibu on KTLA About Prescription Drug Abuse


Cliffside Malibu on KTLA about Prescription Drug Abuse – The premiere addiction treatment center Cliffside Malibu was featured on KTLA’s report on prescription drug abuse. CEO/Founder Richard Taite and Medical Dire…


The power of intervention

Filed under: prescription drug addiction treatment

And it is; a weekly American reality television programme titled Intervention has two million viewers who watch a hardened addict unwittingly drink, drug, eat or shop their way towards the final showdown of a family intervention. But it is also America …
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Chief: Rutland, Vt., drug use 'mind boggling'

Filed under: prescription drug addiction treatment

Coffin said that since about 2009 the problem of abuse of heroin and prescription narcotics in Rutland has been getting worse. Most of the drugs are coming in from East Coast cities like New York or cities in western Massachusetts. But it has also come …


Scarlett Johansson hates "jealous" men.

Filed under: prescription drug addiction treatment

… security, meaning someone that monitors the whereabouts at all times of the patients." Lindsay – who will be treated for alcohol and prescription drug addiction – will have to fully comply with the chosen clinic's rules or risk an immediate …