'He Hates the Label of Drug Dealer'

'He hates the label of drug dealer'
The 27-year-old former Tiro resident who now lives in Georgetown, Ky. pleaded guilty in early February to selling .01 grams of heroin to a confidential informant March 19, 2013. As part of a plea deal, prosecutors agreed to downgrade the charge from a …
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Winners and losers in the General Assembly session
Many in Northern Kentucky have seen the General Assembly session as largely successful, receiving money for a new health center at Northern Kentucky University and a long-awaited tax credit for angel investors. … The bill would direct savings from …
Read more on Cincinnati.com

Psychiatry and Psychology – Part 4: Addiction Center — Dr. Daniel Hall-Flavin, Consultant in Addiction Psychiatry in Rochester, Minn., provides a brief introduction to the Addiction Center.

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